
Lanikai ZR-CET

When I took up Ukulele as a dedicated hobby, I had limited knowledge of the instrument. As a lifetime guitarist, I’d never taken it seriously. Since then, I’ve learned there is a big, beautiful Ukulele World out there, filled with great music, fantastic instruments and most of all … Dear and Darling People.

I quickly became a card-carrying member of the UAS Club (Ukulele Acquisition Syndrome), hoping to curb those leanings before I run out of room to store them. As to all matters Uke, I’m open to ideas and advice from anybody at anytime. I’ve gotten a late start on this .

Brought to you from the Pacific Northwest, so I splash in a few photos here and there, to show off some of what I see in between classes, lessons and on my daily walks. Input is welcome and invited. This is a hobby site, nothing too heavy, but while here, I’m hoping to gather new ideas, to improve my newfound craft.